New Zealand Memories Issue 104

New Zealand Memories Issue 104 - Contents
When Every Day Was Fly-day 4
Humour from Alwyn Owen.
The Kiwi and the Turncoat Albatros 9
Grant Newman records a World War One aviation story.
Gone 12
A nostalgic poem by Owen Barron.
The Ghost of Curran Street 14
Shirley Ayers remembers ‘flatting’ in the 1950s.
My Father’s Gardens 17
A walk along the garden path with Robin Fry.
Not a Brass Razoo 18
Bill Conroy’s early memories of a Public Works Camp.
Drama and Disappointment at the Domain 22
Early pilot Wizard Stone in Auckland. By Errol Martyn.
From the Regions: West Coast 25
Centrefold: The Oamaru Clock Tower 36
The Diary of Lucy France 38
Autumn holidays in the Marlborough Sound by Hilary Smith.
Things Were Bigger in My Day 44
They certainly were! A story by Nolan Belcher.
The First Casualty 46
A sad affair in Lyttelton Harbour recorded by Roger Strong.
Tom Long Hangman 50
Denis Dwyer profiles New Zealand’s unofficial hangman.
From the Regions: Auckland 52
Reader’s Response: The Darracq Motorcar 64
Mailbox 66
New to Print 68
Index and Genealogy List 70
Editor’s Choice 72
‘Many Happy Returns’.

New Zealand Memories Issue 104 - Index


A&P Showgrounds (Pukekohe)        61

AAA Reliability Trophy                     65

advertisements                                6, 31

aerosol cans                                            6

Albatros D.V.                                        9

Albion Hotel (Napier)                        51

ALDERTON  Mr. G.E.                    64

Alexandra                                            19

ALISON  Robert                                31

ANDERSON  Bruce                         59

                        Grant                          59

annual ball                                          13

anti-fly campaign                                  6

Arrowtown                                         66

Arrowtown School                             66

arson (Napier)                                     51

Auckland                               14, 22, 52

Auckland Automobile Assn.              64

Auckland City                                    52

Auckland City Council                      65

Auckland Domain                              22

Auckland Harbour Bridge                 14

Auckland Vintage Car Club              59

aviation                                           9, 22

Avondale                                             56

Avondale Post Office                         56



Baileys shipbuilding                           39

Barber’ wind                                       30

bathing                                               20

BATTEN  Jean                                  21

Battery Point                                      47

Becks                                                   19

BLACK  Peter                                    17

Blenheim                                               9

Bleriot monoplane                              22

bloodtonic                                          30

BOLTON  Walter                             51

booby-trap                                          16

BRASELL  Frederick James               46

                  George                              47

Bridge Hill                                          21

BRIGHT  Henry                               25

Brunner Mine                                    31

Brunnerton                                         31

BSA Gold Flash                                  66

Buller                                                  32

bush tramway                                     32

butcher                                               20



camping                                              57

canvas/timber hut                              20

capital punishment                            51

carbide lamp                                       35

Central Otago                                     18

Charming Creek                                 32

Charming Creek Mine                       34

Christmas                                              4

circus                                                   61

CLAUSNITZER  Ernst                    10

CLEAVE  Arthur Jnr.                        64

                 Arthur Snr.                        64

Clyde                                                  19

CMT Scheme                                     66

coal trucks                                           33

coastal defence battery                       46

COLLETT  Clive Franklin                 9

CONROY  Ann                                 19

                   Bill                                    19

coxswain’s badge                                66

cricket                                                  54

Cromwell                                            19

Curran Street (Auckland)                  14



Darracq motorcar                                64

DAVIES  Toby                                  63

DAWES  Charlie                                64

DDT                                                     6

DEAN  Minnie                                  51

delivery man                                       13

Depression, The      18, 34, 38, 54, 60

diet                                                      41

Doctor Suess                                         6

domestic servants                                39

Dr. William’s pink pills                      30

Dr. Williams Medicine Co.                30

dynamite                                             45



eel                                                        44

Eketahuna                                          51

elevator building                                37

ELLIS  James                                      51

Eltham                                            1, 45

employment                                       20

executions                                           51



F. Perkins & Co.                                60

Farmers Department Store                 52

farming (Eltham)                               45

fashion                                                12

Fassett & Johnson Ltd                       30

fishing                                                 41

fishing                                                 63

Fitzroy                                                 62

flats                                                      14

flatting                                                15

FLEMING  Spencer                          39

flies                                                        4

flooding (Milford)                              55

flume                                                   33

fly-papers                                              4

fly-swat                                                  4

food dehydration plant                      61

Forrest Hill                                          55

Forrester & Lemon                             37

Fox Galcier                                         25

FRANCE  Emily                                39

                  Lucy                                  38

Frankton                                             61

Fruitlands                                           19

FULFORD  George                           30



games (indoor)                                    43

GERSEL  Theodor Seuss                     6

Gnome rotary engine                         23

Godley Head                                      47

Government Relief Scheme        18, 54

grain storage                                        37

Grand Prior badge                             66

Grant Motors                                     58

Great Barrier Island                            62

GREY  Mr C.J.                                   11

Guardian Angel parachute                10

gun defences                                       47

gun emplacements                             47



Haast                                                   26

Haast Beach                                        26

Haast Works Camp                            28

hangings                                             51

hangman                                             51

HANSEN  Albert                               60

Harley Davidson                                59

Health Dept.                                         6

heating                                                19

Hector                                                 32

HINKLER  Bert                                 24

Hokitika                                              27

holidays                                               40

holidays                                               62

HOLYOAKE  Keith                          27

houseflies                                               4

housing developments                       55

Hunua                                                58

Hunua 100 Ralley                             59



Itchen Street (Oamaru)                      37



J & T Meeks                                       37



Katherine Bay                                     62

Kauangaroa                                         51

Kenepuru Sound                               39

KIELY  Supt. N.                                51

KING  Christopher                           17

            Denis                                       17

            Dr Cyril                                  17

            Margaret                                 17

            Robin                                      17

Knights Point                                     26

Knights Point Post Office                  27



landslip (West Coast)                         28

LANGSLAND  Lt.                            10

Lauder                                                 19

LAURIE  Danny                                35

Levin                                                   66

LEVY  Otto                                        34

Locomobile Steam Car                       64

LONG  Tom                                      51

Lopdell House                                    56

Lyttelton Harbour                              46

Lyttleton                                             66



MacMAHON  Mr. J.H.                    40

MALIN  Sid                                       61

main trunk line                                   60

Makara                                                27

marigolds                                            45

Marlborough Sounds                         38

MARSH  Harold                                53

Mary Quant                                       12

Massey College                                   17

Masterton                                           51

McCONNELL   Nancy                    59

                           Helen                       59

                           Henry                       59

                           Jim                            59

                           Mary                        59

McDONALD     Lewis                      34

                           Murdoch                 34

McGHIE  Tim                                   35

McGUDDEN  James                        11

Meadowbank                                     58

meat safe                                                4

Meek’s Elevator Building                  37

Milford                                               54

Millerton                                             34

mining                                           31,32

Ministry of Works                              26

mixed flatting                                     15

monoplane                                          22

MORRIS  Alice                                  30

Morse code                                         26

motocars                                              13

motor registration                               65

motorcycle                                          66

motorcycle rally                                  59

motoring pioneer                                64

MOUNTBATTEN  Lord                66

                                 Lady                   66

MOW Camp (Haast)                         26

mushrooms                                         44




Napier-Taupo Road                           66

Naval Motor Launch                         66

Ngakawau                                           32

Ngakawau River                                 33

Northcote Peninsula                          14

NZ Railways                                       60



Oamaru                                               36

Oamaru clock tower                           36

orchard                                                17

ornamental gardens                            17



parachute                                            10

Paringa                                                26

Pelorus Sound                                    39

PERANO  Agnes                               42

                  Alf                                     40

                  Andrew Alfred                  39

                  Eileen                                42

                  Emily                                39

                  Eugenio (Charlie)             39

                  Guiseppe Giovanni                                                               

                       Agostino                       38                                           

                  Leo                                    42

                  Mary                                 42

                  Peter                                  42

                  Susan                                 38

PERRIN  Prof.                                   17

petrol pumps                                      58

Picton                                                  51

pig hunting                                        41

pilot (WWI)                                          9

PLOWMAN  Capt. James                 48

Point Chevalier                                   57

Point Chevalier Beach                        57

Point Erin baths                                 57

Point Erin Park                                   14

Port Chalmers                                     39

Port Cooper                                        47

privilege tickets                                   61

Public Work Camp huts                    19

Public Works Camp                           18

Pukekohe                                            60

Pukekohe Hill                                     60

Pukekohe Railway Station                 60

Pukekohe Technical High School     61



Queen Charlotte Sound                   39



Radcliffe Ridge                                   32

radio antenna                                      26

radio telegraph                                    26

rail tractor                                            33

railway settlement                               60

railway bookstall                                 61

Relief Scheme                               18, 54

renting (houses)                                  14

road construction                               26

rose garden                                          17

roses                                                     17

Royal Flying Corps                               9



Saint Heliers                                        58

Saint Heliers Bay Beach                     58

sawmilling                                           32

SCHADICK  Cam                             33

schoolchildren (Arrowtown)              72

Seddonville                                         34

service station                                      58

SHAFER  Dan                                   23


                Baroona                               62

                Captain Cook                      66

                Christian McAusland          39

                Dolphin                               47

                 John Anderson                    47

                Limerick                              11

                Lyttelton                       11, 48

                Pioneer                                 47

                RNZVN Pegasus                  66

                SS Tuatea                            39

                SS Wairarapa                      63

                Waitohi                               39

signpost (West Coast)                        25

sinking (Dolphin)                              48

SMITH  Victor                                  48

Sopwith Camel fighter                       10

South Westland                                  26

St Johns ambulance                            66

St. Mary’s Bay                                    15

STACK  Jack                                      34

steam lokey                                         34

steamer                                                40

Stockton                                              34

STONE  Arthur ‘Wizard’                  22

storeman (railways)                             60

swagger                                               51

swamplands                                        45



Tamaki Drive                                     58

Taranaki                                              45

Tauherenikau                                     51

Taupo                                          17, 66

Taylorville                                           30

Te Awaiti Station                               51

tearooms                                              66

telecommunications                           26

tents                                                    57

test pilot                                              22

THEOBOLD  Fred                           34

THOMAS  Charles S.                        48

Titirangi                                              56

Tory Channel                                     39

traffic (Auckland)                               15



US Marines                                         61



vegetable dehydration                        61

vegetable growers                               60



Waikato River                                     61

Wairarapa                                            51

Wairau Creek                                      54

Waiwera Hot Springs Hotel               53

Waiwera Wharf                                  53

Wanganui                                           51

warplane                                                9

washing clothes                                  42

WATSON  Bob                                 32

WATSON  George                            32

Watson’s Mill                                     32

Wellington                                          51

West Coast                                          25

Westhaven Marina                             14

Westport - Charming Creek

                  Coal Co. Ltd                     34

whaling                                               39

whaling                                               63

Whanganui River                               51

Wharehine                                          53

Wharehine School                              53

WHITE  Mick                                   34

whitebait                                             61

WILLIAMS  Dr.                                 30

                      Susan                             39

Williams Tearooms                             66

WILLMAN  George                          35

                     William                          46

Wirths Circus train                             61

WOODGATE  William Henry        51

World War I                                          9

World War II                               47, 61












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New Zealand Memories Issue 113

New Zealand Memories Issue 92


A&P Showgrounds (Pukekohe)        61

AAA Reliability Trophy                     65

advertisements                                6, 31

aerosol cans                                            6

Albatros D.V.                                        9

Albion Hotel (Napier)                        51

ALDERTON  Mr. G.E.                    64

Alexandra                                            19

ALISON  Robert                                31

ANDERSON  Bruce                         59

                        Grant                          59

annual ball                                          13

anti-fly campaign                                  6

Arrowtown                                         66

Arrowtown School                             66

arson (Napier)                                     51

Auckland                               14, 22, 52

Auckland Automobile Assn.              64

Auckland City                                    52

Auckland City Council                      65

Auckland Domain                              22

Auckland Harbour Bridge                 14

Auckland Vintage Car Club              59

aviation                                           9, 22

Avondale                                             56

Avondale Post Office                         56



Baileys shipbuilding                           39

Barber’ wind                                       30

bathing                                               20

BATTEN  Jean                                  21

Battery Point                                      47

Becks                                                   19

BLACK  Peter                                    17

Blenheim                                               9

Bleriot monoplane                              22

bloodtonic                                          30

BOLTON  Walter                             51

booby-trap                                          16

BRASELL  Frederick James               46

                  George                              47

Bridge Hill                                          21

BRIGHT  Henry                               25

Brunner Mine                                    31

Brunnerton                                         31

BSA Gold Flash                                  66

Buller                                                  32

bush tramway                                     32

butcher                                               20



camping                                              57

canvas/timber hut                              20

capital punishment                            51

carbide lamp                                       35

Central Otago                                     18

Charming Creek                                 32

Charming Creek Mine                       34

Christmas                                              4

circus                                                   61

CLAUSNITZER  Ernst                    10

CLEAVE  Arthur Jnr.                        64

                 Arthur Snr.                        64

Clyde                                                  19

CMT Scheme                                     66

coal trucks                                           33

coastal defence battery                       46

COLLETT  Clive Franklin                 9

CONROY  Ann                                 19

                   Bill                                    19

coxswain’s badge                                66

cricket                                                  54

Cromwell                                            19

Curran Street (Auckland)                  14



Darracq motorcar                                64

DAVIES  Toby                                  63

DAWES  Charlie                                64

DDT                                                     6

DEAN  Minnie                                  51

delivery man                                       13

Depression, The      18, 34, 38, 54, 60

diet                                                      41

Doctor Suess                                         6

domestic servants                                39

Dr. William’s pink pills                      30

Dr. Williams Medicine Co.                30

dynamite                                             45



eel                                                        44

Eketahuna                                          51

elevator building                                37

ELLIS  James                                      51

Eltham                                            1, 45

employment                                       20

executions                                           51



F. Perkins & Co.                                60

Farmers Department Store                 52

farming (Eltham)                               45

fashion                                                12

Fassett & Johnson Ltd                       30

fishing                                                 41

fishing                                                 63

Fitzroy                                                 62

flats                                                      14

flatting                                                15

FLEMING  Spencer                          39

flies                                                        4

flooding (Milford)                              55

flume                                                   33

fly-papers                                              4

fly-swat                                                  4

food dehydration plant                      61

Forrest Hill                                          55

Forrester & Lemon                             37

Fox Galcier                                         25

FRANCE  Emily                                39

                  Lucy                                  38

Frankton                                             61

Fruitlands                                           19

FULFORD  George                           30



games (indoor)                                    43

GERSEL  Theodor Seuss                     6

Gnome rotary engine                         23

Godley Head                                      47

Government Relief Scheme        18, 54

grain storage                                        37

Grand Prior badge                             66

Grant Motors                                     58

Great Barrier Island                            62

GREY  Mr C.J.                                   11

Guardian Angel parachute                10

gun defences                                       47

gun emplacements                             47



Haast                                                   26

Haast Beach                                        26

Haast Works Camp                            28

hangings                                             51

hangman                                             51

HANSEN  Albert                               60

Harley Davidson                                59

Health Dept.                                         6

heating                                                19

Hector                                                 32

HINKLER  Bert                                 24

Hokitika                                              27

holidays                                               40

holidays                                               62

HOLYOAKE  Keith                          27

houseflies                                               4

housing developments                       55

Hunua                                                58

Hunua 100 Ralley                             59



Itchen Street (Oamaru)                      37



J & T Meeks                                       37



Katherine Bay                                     62

Kauangaroa                                         51

Kenepuru Sound                               39

KIELY  Supt. N.                                51

KING  Christopher                           17

            Denis                                       17

            Dr Cyril                                  17

            Margaret                                 17

            Robin                                      17

Knights Point                                     26

Knights Point Post Office                  27



landslip (West Coast)                         28

LANGSLAND  Lt.                            10

Lauder                                                 19

LAURIE  Danny                                35

Levin                                                   66

LEVY  Otto                                        34

Locomobile Steam Car                       64

LONG  Tom                                      51

Lopdell House                                    56

Lyttelton Harbour                              46

Lyttleton                                             66



MacMAHON  Mr. J.H.                    40

MALIN  Sid                                       61

main trunk line                                   60

Makara                                                27

marigolds                                            45

Marlborough Sounds                         38

MARSH  Harold                                53

Mary Quant                                       12

Massey College                                   17

Masterton                                           51

McCONNELL   Nancy                    59

                           Helen                       59

                           Henry                       59

                           Jim                            59

                           Mary                        59

McDONALD     Lewis                      34

                           Murdoch                 34

McGHIE  Tim                                   35

McGUDDEN  James                        11

Meadowbank                                     58

meat safe                                                4

Meek’s Elevator Building                  37

Milford                                               54

Millerton                                             34

mining                                           31,32

Ministry of Works                              26

mixed flatting                                     15

monoplane                                          22

MORRIS  Alice                                  30

Morse code                                         26

motocars                                              13

motor registration                               65

motorcycle                                          66

motorcycle rally                                  59

motoring pioneer                                64

MOUNTBATTEN  Lord                66

                                 Lady                   66

MOW Camp (Haast)                         26

mushrooms                                         44




Napier-Taupo Road                           66

Naval Motor Launch                         66

Ngakawau                                           32

Ngakawau River                                 33

Northcote Peninsula                          14

NZ Railways                                       60



Oamaru                                               36

Oamaru clock tower                           36

orchard                                                17

ornamental gardens                            17



parachute                                            10

Paringa                                                26

Pelorus Sound                                    39

PERANO  Agnes                               42

                  Alf                                     40

                  Andrew Alfred                  39

                  Eileen                                42

                  Emily                                39

                  Eugenio (Charlie)             39

                  Guiseppe Giovanni                                                               

                       Agostino                       38                                           

                  Leo                                    42

                  Mary                                 42

                  Peter                                  42

                  Susan                                 38

PERRIN  Prof.                                   17

petrol pumps                                      58

Picton                                                  51

pig hunting                                        41

pilot (WWI)                                          9

PLOWMAN  Capt. James                 48

Point Chevalier                                   57

Point Chevalier Beach                        57

Point Erin baths                                 57

Point Erin Park                                   14

Port Chalmers                                     39

Port Cooper                                        47

privilege tickets                                   61

Public Work Camp huts                    19

Public Works Camp                           18

Pukekohe                                            60

Pukekohe Hill                                     60

Pukekohe Railway Station                 60

Pukekohe Technical High School     61



Queen Charlotte Sound                   39



Radcliffe Ridge                                   32

radio antenna                                      26

radio telegraph                                    26

rail tractor                                            33

railway settlement                               60

railway bookstall                                 61

Relief Scheme                               18, 54

renting (houses)                                  14

road construction                               26

rose garden                                          17

roses                                                     17

Royal Flying Corps                               9



Saint Heliers                                        58

Saint Heliers Bay Beach                     58

sawmilling                                           32

SCHADICK  Cam                             33

schoolchildren (Arrowtown)              72

Seddonville                                         34

service station                                      58

SHAFER  Dan                                   23


                Baroona                               62

                Captain Cook                      66

                Christian McAusland          39

                Dolphin                               47

                 John Anderson                    47

                Limerick                              11

                Lyttelton                       11, 48

                Pioneer                                 47

                RNZVN Pegasus                  66

                SS Tuatea                            39

                SS Wairarapa                      63

                Waitohi                               39

signpost (West Coast)                        25

sinking (Dolphin)                              48

SMITH  Victor                                  48

Sopwith Camel fighter                       10

South Westland                                  26

St Johns ambulance                            66

St. Mary’s Bay                                    15

STACK  Jack                                      34

steam lokey                                         34

steamer                                                40

Stockton                                              34

STONE  Arthur ‘Wizard’                  22

storeman (railways)                             60

swagger                                               51

swamplands                                        45



Tamaki Drive                                     58

Taranaki                                              45

Tauherenikau                                     51

Taupo                                          17, 66

Taylorville                                           30

Te Awaiti Station                               51

tearooms                                              66

telecommunications                           26

tents                                                    57

test pilot                                              22

THEOBOLD  Fred                           34

THOMAS  Charles S.                        48

Titirangi                                              56

Tory Channel                                     39

traffic (Auckland)                               15



US Marines                                         61



vegetable dehydration                        61

vegetable growers                               60



Waikato River                                     61

Wairarapa                                            51

Wairau Creek                                      54

Waiwera Hot Springs Hotel               53

Waiwera Wharf                                  53

Wanganui                                           51

warplane                                                9

washing clothes                                  42

WATSON  Bob                                 32

WATSON  George                            32

Watson’s Mill                                     32

Wellington                                          51

West Coast                                          25

Westhaven Marina                             14

Westport - Charming Creek

                  Coal Co. Ltd                     34

whaling                                               39

whaling                                               63

Whanganui River                               51

Wharehine                                          53

Wharehine School                              53

WHITE  Mick                                   34

whitebait                                             61

WILLIAMS  Dr.                                 30

                      Susan                             39

Williams Tearooms                             66

WILLMAN  George                          35

                     William                          46

Wirths Circus train                             61

WOODGATE  William Henry        51

World War I                                          9

World War II                               47, 61













About Us

The New Zealand Memories archive is a collection of Issues 1-161. First published in 1995, many of the 161 copies are still available in printed form. Please click the back issue button on the top of the website homepage to view issues currently in stock.

For those unfamiliar with the publication, it is a bi-monthly 72-page magazine cherishing New Zealand history. It features a variety of topics from the 1800s through to the 1970s. Names and places have proven to be a great asset to genealogists with personal stories being a highlight. Libraries and museums recommend New Zealand Memories as a valuable learning tool.

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